Chess Challenge II IGS 2002 Ohio Ver.1445A Gambling Type game Has cherry master edge connector in addtion to the JAMMA connector Etched in copper on top MADE IN TAIWAN IGS PCB-0388-04-FW Etched in copper on bottom 41-083-84 Etched on copper on daughter board IGS PCB NO- 0197-1 Silkscreend on daughter board 25P4395-1 Big chip on daughter board sitckered C8 C/CHALLENGE II Sticker on back 030609 03-07-29 .u15 27c4002 stickered C C II TEXT .u17 27c160 stickered C C II C G .u12 27c4002 stickered C C II V-707USO .u13 27C4000 stickered C C II S P .u26 ATF22V10C stickered FW U26 saved in jedec format 208 pin chip stamped with IGS 031 F00470174 68 pin socketed chip stamped with .V01 IGS025 A8B1723 9831 32.768 KHz crystal 22 MHz oscillator Empty socket 40 pin socket @ U14 Board would come up with garbage if daughter board was removed. Used a trojan firmware from Peter Mame and Haze Mame to read out the contents of C8 chip. Did it 2 times using putty.exe (cc2_putty.c8 and cc2_putty_1.c8) and once by redirecting the com port to a file (cc2_capture_dos.c8). MAME 0.124a C:\Hardware>c:\hardware\dataio\roms\mame\mame -romident c:\hardware\dataio\roms\online\cc2\roms\cc2.u12 cc2.u12 NO MATCH C:\Hardware>c:\hardware\dataio\roms\mame\mame -romident c:\hardware\dataio\roms\online\cc2\roms\cc2.u13 cc2.u13 NO MATCH C:\Hardware>c:\hardware\dataio\roms\mame\mame -romident c:\hardware\dataio\roms\online\cc2\roms\cc2.u15 cc2.u15 NO MATCH C:\Hardware>c:\hardware\dataio\roms\mame\mame -romident c:\hardware\dataio\roms\online\cc2\roms\cc2.u17 cc2.u17 NO MATCH C:\Hardware>c:\hardware\dataio\roms\mame\mame -romident c:\hardware\dataio\roms\online\cc2\roms\cc2.u26 cc2.u26 NOT A ROM