New lucky 8 lines? Silkscreened on top of baord 121P003A MADE IN TAIWAN .f3 82s129 silkscreened EGT2894 9009VI .d12 82s123 silkscreened DCO5602 9022VI .d13 82s123 silkscreened FHG0090 9027VI .g13 82s129 silkscreened 219C148 9009VI .g14 82s129 silkscreened 2101K82 9009VI .h1 2764 stickered 1 .h3 2764 stickered 2 .h4 2764 stickered 3 .h5 2764 stickered 4 silkscreened on the pcb was 27128, so read as that programmer complained of bad pin 1 .h7 27128 stickered 5 silkscreened R4-I001 9022BA silkscreened on the pcb was 27128, so read as that programmer complained of bad pin 1 .h8 27128 stickered 6 silkscreened R4-I002 9022BA silkscreened on the pcb was 27128, so read as that programmer complained of bad pin 1 .h10 27128 silkscreened R4-I003 9022BA empty 28 pin socket at b14 empty 24 pin socketr at b12 MAME 0.262 C:\Mikes_old\roms>c:\games\mame\mame -romident c:\mikes_old\roms\p003\roms\p003.f3 Identifying c:\mikes_old\roms\p003\roms\p003.f3.... p003.f3 = 3-f.bin animalw Animal Wonders (ver A900) = 82s129.f3 cb3f Cherry Bonus III (set 5, encrypted bootleg) = 82s129.f3 chryangla Cherry Angel (encrypted, W-4 hardware) = 82s129.f3 fl7_3121 Flaming 7 (W4 Hardware, Red, White & Blue 7's + Hollywood Nights) = 9006.u41 kkotnoli Kkot No Li (Kill the Bees) = am27s21pc.96 ladylinr Lady Liner (set 1) = 63s141.96 ladylinra Lady Liner (set 2) = 63s141.96 ladylinrb Lady Liner (encrypted, set 1) = 82s129.96 ladylinrc Lady Liner (encrypted, set 2) = prom_96.bin ladylinrd Lady Liner (encrypted, set 3) = prom_96.bin ladylinre Lady Liner (encrypted, set 4) = prom5 lucky8a New Lucky 8 Lines (set 2, W-4) = u3.bin lucky8b New Lucky 8 Lines (set 3, W-4, extended gfx) = 82s129.ic47 lucky8f New Lucky 8 Lines (set 7, W-4, encrypted) = 82s129.f3 lucky8h New Lucky 8 Lines Super Turbo (Hack) = 74s287.f3 lucky8j New Lucky 8 Lines Crown Turbo (Hack) = 82s129.f3 luckybar Lucky Bar (W-4 with mc68705 MCU) = u3.bin ns8lines New Lucky 8 Lines / New Super 8 Lines (W-4) = (BAD) u3.bin ns8linesa New Lucky 8 Lines / New Super 8 Lines (W-4, Lucky97 HW) = dm74s287.f3 ns8linew New Lucky 8 Lines / New Super 8 Lines (F-5, Witch Bonus) = 3.3f ns8linewa New Lucky 8 Lines / New Super 8 Lines (W-4, Witch Bonus) = dm74s287.f3 super972 Super 97-2 (Witch Bonus) = wcat3.f3 wcat3 Wild Cat 3 C:\Mikes_old\roms>c:\games\mame\mame -romident c:\mikes_old\roms\p003\roms\p003.d12 Identifying c:\mikes_old\roms\p003\roms\p003.d12.... p003.d12 = 12-d.bin animalw Animal Wonders (ver A900) = (BAD) n82s123n.12d bingowng Bingo (set 1) = n82s123n.12d bingownga Bingo (set 2) = dm74s288.d12 cb3f Cherry Bonus III (set 5, encrypted bootleg) = 82s123.d12 chryangla Cherry Angel (encrypted, W-4 hardware) = 82s123.d12 fl7_3121 Flaming 7 (W4 Hardware, Red, White & Blue 7's + Hollywood Nights) = 9006.u58 kkotnoli Kkot No Li (Kill the Bees) = g13 lucky8 New Lucky 8 Lines (set 1, W-4) = u1.bin lucky8b New Lucky 8 Lines (set 3, W-4, extended gfx) = g13 lucky8c New Lucky 8 Lines (set 4, W-4) = g13 lucky8d New Lucky 8 Lines (set 5, W-4, main 40%, d-up 60%) = g13 lucky8e New Lucky 8 Lines (set 6, W-4, main 40%, d-up 60%) = 82s123.ic66 lucky8f New Lucky 8 Lines (set 7, W-4, encrypted) = g13 lucky8g New Lucky 8 Lines (set 8, W-4) = 74s288.d12 lucky8h New Lucky 8 Lines Super Turbo (Hack) = (BAD) n82s123n.d12 lucky8i New Lucky 8 Lines (set 9, W-4, Eagle, licensed by Wing) = 82s123.d12 lucky8j New Lucky 8 Lines Crown Turbo (Hack) = (BAD) tbp18s030n.d12 lucky8k New Lucky 8 Lines (set 10, W-4, encrypted NEC D315-5136) = 82s123.d12 luckybar Lucky Bar (W-4 with mc68705 MCU) = tbp18s030.d12 luckylad Lucky Lady (Wing, encrypted) = 82s123.d12 mbs2euro Mega Bonus Star II (Euro, Millennium Edition) = u1.bin ns8lines New Lucky 8 Lines / New Super 8 Lines (W-4) = (BAD) u1.bin ns8linesa New Lucky 8 Lines / New Super 8 Lines (W-4, Lucky97 HW) = dm74s288.d12 ns8linew New Lucky 8 Lines / New Super 8 Lines (F-5, Witch Bonus) = 5.12d ns8linewa New Lucky 8 Lines / New Super 8 Lines (W-4, Witch Bonus) = 82s123.u79 pipeline Pipeline = dm74s288.d12 super972 Super 97-2 (Witch Bonus) = wcat3.d12 wcat3 Wild Cat 3 C:\Mikes_old\roms>c:\games\mame\mame -romident c:\mikes_old\roms\p003\roms\p003.d13 Identifying c:\mikes_old\roms\p003\roms\p003.d13.... p003.d13 = 13-d.bin animalw Animal Wonders (ver A900) = (BAD) n82s123n.13d bingowng Bingo (set 1) = n82s123n.13d bingownga Bingo (set 2) = (BAD) d13 feverch Fever Chance (W-6) = 82s123.d13 fl7_3121 Flaming 7 (W4 Hardware, Red, White & Blue 7's + Hollywood Nights) = prom1 kkotnoli Kkot No Li (Kill the Bees) = am27s19pc.39 ladylinr Lady Liner (set 1) = 63s081.39 ladylinra Lady Liner (set 2) = 63s081.39 ladylinrb Lady Liner (encrypted, set 1) = 82s123.39 ladylinrc Lady Liner (encrypted, set 2) = prom_39.bin ladylinrd Lady Liner (encrypted, set 3) = prom_39.bin ladylinre Lady Liner (encrypted, set 4) = d13 lucky8 New Lucky 8 Lines (set 1, W-4) = prom1 lucky8a New Lucky 8 Lines (set 2, W-4) = u2.bin lucky8b New Lucky 8 Lines (set 3, W-4, extended gfx) = d13 lucky8c New Lucky 8 Lines (set 4, W-4) = d13 lucky8d New Lucky 8 Lines (set 5, W-4, main 40%, d-up 60%) = d13 lucky8e New Lucky 8 Lines (set 6, W-4, main 40%, d-up 60%) = 82s123.ic65 lucky8f New Lucky 8 Lines (set 7, W-4, encrypted) = d13 lucky8g New Lucky 8 Lines (set 8, W-4) = 74s288.d13 lucky8h New Lucky 8 Lines Super Turbo (Hack) = (BAD) n82s123n.d13 lucky8i New Lucky 8 Lines (set 9, W-4, Eagle, licensed by Wing) = 82s123.d13 lucky8j New Lucky 8 Lines Crown Turbo (Hack) = (BAD) tbp18s030n.d13 lucky8k New Lucky 8 Lines (set 10, W-4, encrypted NEC D315-5136) = u2.bin ns8lines New Lucky 8 Lines / New Super 8 Lines (W-4) = (BAD) u2.bin ns8linesa New Lucky 8 Lines / New Super 8 Lines (W-4, Lucky97 HW) = dm74s288.d13 ns8linew New Lucky 8 Lines / New Super 8 Lines (F-5, Witch Bonus) = 4.13d ns8linewa New Lucky 8 Lines / New Super 8 Lines (W-4, Witch Bonus) = dm74s288.d13 super972 Super 97-2 (Witch Bonus) C:\Mikes_old\roms>c:\games\mame\mame -romident c:\mikes_old\roms\p003\roms\p003.g13 Identifying c:\mikes_old\roms\p003\roms\p003.g13.... p003.g13 = 13-g.bin animalw Animal Wonders (ver A900) = (BAD) d12 feverch Fever Chance (W-6) = 9006.u24 kkotnoli Kkot No Li (Kill the Bees) = d12 lucky8 New Lucky 8 Lines (set 1, W-4) = prom3 lucky8a New Lucky 8 Lines (set 2, W-4) = u4.bin lucky8b New Lucky 8 Lines (set 3, W-4, extended gfx) = d12 lucky8c New Lucky 8 Lines (set 4, W-4) = d12 lucky8d New Lucky 8 Lines (set 5, W-4, main 40%, d-up 60%) = d12 lucky8e New Lucky 8 Lines (set 6, W-4, main 40%, d-up 60%) = 82s129.ic26 lucky8f New Lucky 8 Lines (set 7, W-4, encrypted) = d12 lucky8g New Lucky 8 Lines (set 8, W-4) = 72s287.g13 lucky8h New Lucky 8 Lines Super Turbo (Hack) = (BAD) n82s129an.g13 lucky8i New Lucky 8 Lines (set 9, W-4, Eagle, licensed by Wing) = 74s287.g13 lucky8j New Lucky 8 Lines Crown Turbo (Hack) = (BAD) tbp24s10n.g13 lucky8k New Lucky 8 Lines (set 10, W-4, encrypted NEC D315-5136) = 82s129.g13 luckybar Lucky Bar (W-4 with mc68705 MCU) = u4.bin ns8lines New Lucky 8 Lines / New Super 8 Lines (W-4) = (BAD) u4.bin ns8linesa New Lucky 8 Lines / New Super 8 Lines (W-4, Lucky97 HW) = dm74s287.g13 ns8linew New Lucky 8 Lines / New Super 8 Lines (F-5, Witch Bonus) = 2.13g ns8linewa New Lucky 8 Lines / New Super 8 Lines (W-4, Witch Bonus) = dm74s287.g13 super972 Super 97-2 (Witch Bonus) C:\Mikes_old\roms>c:\games\mame\mame -romident c:\mikes_old\roms\p003\roms\p003.g14 Identifying c:\mikes_old\roms\p003\roms\p003.g14.... p003.g14 = 14-g.bin animalw Animal Wonders (ver A900) = (BAD) prom4 feverch Fever Chance (W-6) = 9006.u23 kkotnoli Kkot No Li (Kill the Bees) = prom4 lucky8 New Lucky 8 Lines (set 1, W-4) = prom4 lucky8a New Lucky 8 Lines (set 2, W-4) = u5.bin lucky8b New Lucky 8 Lines (set 3, W-4, extended gfx) = prom4 lucky8c New Lucky 8 Lines (set 4, W-4) = prom4 lucky8d New Lucky 8 Lines (set 5, W-4, main 40%, d-up 60%) = prom4 lucky8e New Lucky 8 Lines (set 6, W-4, main 40%, d-up 60%) = 82s129.ic25 lucky8f New Lucky 8 Lines (set 7, W-4, encrypted) = prom4 lucky8g New Lucky 8 Lines (set 8, W-4) = 72s287.g14 lucky8h New Lucky 8 Lines Super Turbo (Hack) = (BAD) n82s129an.g14 lucky8i New Lucky 8 Lines (set 9, W-4, Eagle, licensed by Wing) = 74s287.g14 lucky8j New Lucky 8 Lines Crown Turbo (Hack) = (BAD) tbp24s10n.g14 lucky8k New Lucky 8 Lines (set 10, W-4, encrypted NEC D315-5136) = 82s129.g14 luckybar Lucky Bar (W-4 with mc68705 MCU) = u5.bin ns8lines New Lucky 8 Lines / New Super 8 Lines (W-4) = (BAD) u5.bin ns8linesa New Lucky 8 Lines / New Super 8 Lines (W-4, Lucky97 HW) = dm74s287.g14 ns8linew New Lucky 8 Lines / New Super 8 Lines (F-5, Witch Bonus) = 1.14g ns8linewa New Lucky 8 Lines / New Super 8 Lines (W-4, Witch Bonus) = dm74s287.g14 super972 Super 97-2 (Witch Bonus) C:\Mikes_old\roms>c:\games\mame\mame -romident c:\mikes_old\roms\p003\roms\p003.h1 Identifying c:\mikes_old\roms\p003\roms\p003.h1.... p003.h1 = 1.bin lucky8b New Lucky 8 Lines (set 3, W-4, extended gfx) = 1.h1 lucky8h New Lucky 8 Lines Super Turbo (Hack) = w4_1.h1 lucky8l New Lucky 8 Lines (set 11, W-4) = 1.bin ns8lines New Lucky 8 Lines / New Super 8 Lines (W-4) = 1.1h ns8linew New Lucky 8 Lines / New Super 8 Lines (F-5, Witch Bonus) = 1.1h ns8linewa New Lucky 8 Lines / New Super 8 Lines (W-4, Witch Bonus) = 1_27c64.bin super972 Super 97-2 (Witch Bonus) C:\Mikes_old\roms>c:\games\mame\mame -romident c:\mikes_old\roms\p003\roms\p003.h3 Identifying c:\mikes_old\roms\p003\roms\p003.h3.... p003.h3 = 2.bin lucky8b New Lucky 8 Lines (set 3, W-4, extended gfx) = 2.h3 lucky8h New Lucky 8 Lines Super Turbo (Hack) = w4_2.h3 lucky8l New Lucky 8 Lines (set 11, W-4) = 2.bin ns8lines New Lucky 8 Lines / New Super 8 Lines (W-4) = 2.3h ns8linew New Lucky 8 Lines / New Super 8 Lines (F-5, Witch Bonus) = 2.2h ns8linewa New Lucky 8 Lines / New Super 8 Lines (W-4, Witch Bonus) = 2_27c64.bin super972 Super 97-2 (Witch Bonus) C:\Mikes_old\roms>c:\games\mame\mame -romident c:\mikes_old\roms\p003\roms\p003.h4 Identifying c:\mikes_old\roms\p003\roms\p003.h4.... p003.h4 = 3.h4 lucky8h New Lucky 8 Lines Super Turbo (Hack) = w4_3.h4 lucky8l New Lucky 8 Lines (set 11, W-4) = 3.bin ns8lines New Lucky 8 Lines / New Super 8 Lines (W-4) = 3.4h ns8linewa New Lucky 8 Lines / New Super 8 Lines (W-4, Witch Bonus) C:\Mikes_old\roms>c:\games\mame\mame -romident c:\mikes_old\roms\p003\roms\p003.h5 Identifying c:\mikes_old\roms\p003\roms\p003.h5.... p003.h5 = 4.bin lucky8b New Lucky 8 Lines (set 3, W-4, extended gfx) = w4_4.h6 lucky8l New Lucky 8 Lines (set 11, W-4) = 4.bin ns8lines New Lucky 8 Lines / New Super 8 Lines (W-4) = 4.5h ns8linew New Lucky 8 Lines / New Super 8 Lines (F-5, Witch Bonus) = 4.5h ns8linewa New Lucky 8 Lines / New Super 8 Lines (W-4, Witch Bonus) = 4_27c64.bin super972 Super 97-2 (Witch Bonus) C:\Mikes_old\roms>c:\games\mame\mame -romident c:\mikes_old\roms\p003\roms\p003.h7 Identifying c:\mikes_old\roms\p003\roms\p003.h7.... p003.h7 NO MATCH C:\Mikes_old\roms>c:\games\mame\mame -romident c:\mikes_old\roms\p003\roms\p003.h8 Identifying c:\mikes_old\roms\p003\roms\p003.h8.... p003.h8 NO MATCH C:\Mikes_old\roms>c:\games\mame\mame -romident c:\mikes_old\roms\p003\roms\p003.h10 Identifying c:\mikes_old\roms\p003\roms\p003.h10.... p003.h10 NO MATCH